Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Special Education

This past week, Reed had his evaluation to qualify him to continue in his speech therapy program. He has made major progress and will continue with the preschool program next year to continue improving. While waiting for the teacher outside of the school, I caught a glimpse of one of the special ed classes during recess or PE. (I really couldn't tell which.) Either way it was a group of kids all shapes and sizes, but clearly special needs. They were running a "lap" around the outer berm of the playground. As they were getting closer to the school, I noticed as one after another linked hands forming a chain of sorts. Some were pulling others along, but slowing so all could link up and finish the run together. It was a sweet moment when you realize that those spirits in their less than functional bodies, had to something special. (And not just "special" in the generic sense used as a PC label.) They were caring, aware of others around them, not worried about finishing first, just finishing together. I was witness to a mini Special Olympics of sorts. I could almost see a "hugger" at the end of their lap waiting for them all to finish. And this is where I got to tearing up.... After a relentless week of struggles and trials, disappointments, pain and Murphy's Law moments, all I could think was that I need a Special Olympics hugger for me. We may not be burdened with physical differences or mental deficiencies, but more and more I see myself and others burdened with emotional deficiencies, stress and exhaustion from the burdens of everyday life. We may not be considered "retarded" or "special" in the worldly sense but all of us need a "hugger". All of us need to feel the hand of those running this lap with us in ours, encouraging us to the end. Too often we are worried about being first or having the persona of a winner. In reality, we can take a page from these sweet spirits and from the Special Olympics. In the end, as we finish together, we are all winners. So grab the hand of the person behind you and allow the person ahead to grab your hand. Cause we are in this together and we are have our little defects that make these current "laps" difficult. If ya need a "hugger", Im here for ya. Ill tell ya you're doing a great job and that we can do it together. Just promise me you will do the same!


laurie said...

You are doing a GREAT job! And I'm sending a BIG hug through cyberspace just for you! Love ya'

Adam and Emily said...

hey if you ever need a hug I'm there for ya!! What a sweet story!