Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pics from the 4th

We stopped in Globe to eat on our way to Grandpa's. I had to take a pic of the sign. It was classic.

At the parade. Reed was going nuts because of all the firetrucks.

Reed with Grandma, Papa and Abram.

Little boys dream day. Firetrucks.

At the end of the Thatcher program it is tradition that the fire trucks cool everyone off. Reed loved it. I tried to stay as far back as possible and still keep an eye on Reed. I still got wet anyway. This is when Reed finally realized he was cold and wet and needed a nap.

Yes, I have the cutest kid in the world.

Road trips with Nan are the best. We were having a great time being silly...Making up new song lyrics, telling boy stories, making jokes and trying hard not to pee ourselves. Reed was not quite so entertained by our antics.


Lydia said...

I love the picture of your mom and Reed!

Renae said...

Super cute pictures!! Looks like you guys had a great day! How is Reed? I wish you guys would come to visit. Keep the pictures coming!