Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Common Sense

I just finished Glenn Beck's Common Sense. I love, love, love Glenn. (We are on a first name basis.) I know many of you tire of my rambling on and on about politics and government, but HELLO GUYS!!! WE ARE LOOSING OUR COUNTRY!!! WE ARE LETTING PEOPLE TAKE AWAY OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS because we are too busy, or we dont know where to start, or we dont like the dirtiness of politics. At this day and age, political discussion should not be considered taboo or coarse. We need to be speaking up and LOUDLY!!! We need to be teaching each other and our kids WHY this is so important. WHY they should work hard. WHY they are not ENTITLED. WHY a government with the power to give you all you want has the power to take everything from you.....
Go get yourself a copy, or if you dont want to buy it, Ill lend you mine, or buy you one. (The same offer still applies to the 5000 year leap.) Cause HELLO...
"One day we will face our children and grandchildren as they ask us what we found more important and valuable than freedom. They will ask if our big, unaffordable homes, "free" universal health care, and "buy it now" lifestyle were worth enslaving them for.
Just as we look back with pride and awe at what the generations before us did to preserve the cause of freedom, our children and grandchildren will look back at us. But should we now fail, it won't be with pride or awe, it will be with disgust. As they toil under oppressive taxes and tyrannical rule, they will continually question what we were so busy doing that we did not notice the stripping away of our freedoms and liberties. As they are forced to carry the yoke of servitude imposed by their domestic and foreign masters they will question why we did nothing. Did you not see it coming? They will wonder."
---Glenn Beck


Lydia said...

Adam has a copy. I've only read the intro, but I'm already a fan. Glenn Beck is a favorite in our house.

Ameliakmartin said...

Does Beck's Common Sense have anything to do with Thomas Paine's?

Blueyedmle said...

Yes. He structured his book as a modern day Thomas Paine Common Sense.