Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Just a quick FYI, for those who read the last blog I left it hanging, not finished and when I read it again today I realized it ended on such a downer note, more than I thought I was doing. So if you need to finish it do so.

On a much cuter note, REED!!! Margie, Nan and I went out last weekend for a much needed girls night. After a quick dinner we stopped at Burlington Coat Factory to see what they had and I found a cute shirt. Both Reed and Abram were tired but we figured we still had enough energy to go back to Nans and find something else to do. When we arrived, we found Reed as seen above. The poor thing pulled my new shirt out of the bag and laid it over his lap for a blanket and went to sleep. It was so pitiful but so adorable. Its funny how quickly he can go from being a total demon to the most charming nymph. I suppose Ill keep him.... :)

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